Beekeeping Development Tanzania (BDTL) is the leading supplier of modern beekeeping equipment in Tanzania. The beekeeping equipment we manufacture and supply include: -
BDTL has made several modifications to the Langstroth bee hive to suit local conditions:
- Reduced the frame space in the brood box by increasing an extra frame to 11 instead of standard 10, so as to prevent burr combs
- Permanently fixing the floor to the brood box so as to make handling easer especially when moving and transporting from trapping sites to stands.
- Reduced the length of the landing board to prevent bee eating birds from perching on landing board.
Increased the space between the super frames by fitting 9 frames opposed to the standard 10 frame , so as to create and air flow reducing the heat in the bee hive.
The queen excluder is made from galvanized wire mesh with a timber boarder. The wire mesh has very little restriction for bees moving in and out of the super/supers.
BDTL developed the clearer board which works very efficiently clearing bees from the supers in 24 hours.
BDTL has developed a jumbo smoker to be able to handle the African bees that requires good amount of smoke; the bellow is fitted with a return spring for efficient airflow.
BDTL manufactures and supplies efficient bee brushes with bristles that are bee friendly.
The 3-catcher box is made to hold 5 Langstroth brood frames; the box is made with precision making it very versatile and efficient for relocating when colonized.
BDTL has designed a single post beehive stand which accommodates one Langstroth beehives and is honey badger proof.
BDTL develops bee suits by carefully selecting the right material, and fitted with bee proof zips and Velcro to prevent stings from bees. The Veil is also made from a robust netting material that does not collapse thus providing good face protection, visibility and durability from rugged use.
Our bee keeping kit consists of all the necessary equipment to handle bees in the field. The items fit into a compact knapsack bag, which accommodates all the items.
BDTL has designed a solar wax melter which will melt honey combs harvested from top bar, traditional hives and capping from Langstroth bee hives giving a very high quality product under normal sunny conditions.
- The wax melting unit is mounted on four UV treated recycled plastic legs.
- The legs are detachable making the unit easy to transport.
BDTL has developed two sizes of honey extractors; a 9 and a 3 frame. The extractors are made up of 50% local contents and 50% imported components from one of the largest bee keeping equipment manufacturers in Europe. The tanks are made from food grade plastic supported by a metal frame with three legs making the machine Versatile and robust.
BDTL has designed the three frame machine to suit the small scale bee keepers operating in rural areas since it can be used as a mobile unit due to its versatility.
BDTL has designed a versatile decapping tray that also serves as drip tray were decapped frames can be placed waiting to be extracted holding any drippings from the frames as well as the cappings.
BDTL supplies an efficient decapping folk that can be used to decap combs in any rural processing unit.
BDTL supplies a plastic which fits on any standard packet.
Holding a bucket of thick honey to pour can be quite tiring. The bucket holder can do the job with ease.
Used for opening beehives, separating the brood box from super box and lifting frames during inspection and harvesting.
- Made of plywood and sealed with wax.
- Used for feeding bee during dry periods by putting sugar syrup.
KTBH fitted with queen excluder
3 frame Centrifuge Machine (in stainless steel)
9 frame Centrifuge Machine (in stainless steel)
4 frame Centrifuge Machine (in food grade plastic tank)
For holding cut combs harvested from Top bar/traditional hives, the cadge Is then placed in a 3/9 frame ex tractor
- Double Stainless steel used for straining extracted honey. The sieve is made up of 1mm eyelets and 0.5mm eyelets for final and fine straining honey.
- The sieve has adjustable handles to fit in containers with diameters of 20cm-40cm.
- Fitted with gate valve & complete with stand (in food grade plastic).
- Fitted with gate valve & complete with stand (in food grade plastic).
- Fitted with gate valve & complete with stand (stainless steel tank).
- Fitted with gate valve & complete with stand (stainless steel tank).
- Used for final sieving of honey fits in 20litres bucket.
- Hand held Refractometer for measuring honey moisture content.
- BDTL032. 300grams Plastic PET Jar with lid BDTL033. 500grams Plastic PET jar with lid BDTL034. 1000gGrams Plastic PET Jar with lid.
- BDTL035. 300grams Plastic Squeeze bottle with twist top and seal BDTL036. 500grams Plastic Squeeze bottle with twist top and seal.
- Complete with tight fitting lid Used for honey storage.